
  • Please call the clinic if you have questions pertaining to your child's health.  

  • 24 Hour Rule

    Please be reminded that if you child has a temperature ( 100.0 or higher), vomiting or diarrhea, as well as any other communicable disease, he/she should be kept at home until they are symptom free for 24 hours without the aid of medications.  When a child is diagnosed with a communicable disease (conjunctivitis, strep throat and the like) he/she will have to have taken the antibiotics prescribed for 24 hours before returning to school.  The 24 hour rule will be strictly enforced; this will help keep all of our fellow Knights healthy.


    Administration of Medications

    There are several policies on administering medications at school that can be found on the Katy ISD website.  Although we are able to administer medications at school, any medications to be given 3 times a day or less is to be given at home per district policy.  For all other medications, I must have them in their original container with a proper label accompanied by permission slip from the parents with specific instruction.  If the medication needs to be given for more than 15 days, we require a form authorizing the administration of medication and a doctor's signature or the signature of a nurse practitioner/physician's assistant.    All necessary forms are available online or in the clinic.  It is also important to note the clinic does not keep stock medications such as Tylenol.

    Clinic Visits

    As the school nurse I will provide a temporary care facility for children who become ill or injured at school.  Although we will not call parents for every visit made to the clinic, there may be times I will need to contact you.  In order for this to be possible, please keep your phone numbers and records up to date.   If your child has a major medical problem, please stop by or give me a call to make sure I am aware of it.  Please note that we will be conducting vision and hearing screenings during the fall semester.  I will contact you and send home a referral if a problem is noted. 

    Health & Nutrition

    Please encourage your child to start each day with a healthy breakfast. Look at the lunch menu with your child and encourage healthy choices. Remind your child that food, including snacks, are not to be shared at school. Specific seating is in place in the cafeteria for our students with food allergies. Please ensure that your child has a good night’s sleep before coming to school.


    Texas state law and Katy ISD require that every student have current immunizations or have a current physician-provided medical exemption or a current state-issued affidavit for reasons of conscience exemption on file in order to attend school. If you have any questions, please call the school nurse BEFORE your child’s immunizations are due.


    It is a good habit to check your children regularly for lice. Watch for frequent scratching of the scalp, brown or white eggs (nits) on the hair shaft that may look like dandruff but are not easily brushed away, and live lice which are brown and move very quickly. Encourage your child not to share combs, brushes, hair decorations or hats. If you think someone in your family has head lice, it’s best to check everyone in the family and notify friends or relatives who may have been in contact as well. Please contact the campus nurse with any questions, or if you have treated your child for head lice. Parents are encouraged to "once a week, take a peek" at their children for any indications of lice. Be aware of frequent scratching of the scalp. 

    Pre-K, Kinder and 1st Graders

    For all of our younger Knights, please pack a change of clothes in a Ziploc bag that can be kept in their back for the entire school year.  This may save you a trip to school if the situation should arise your child needs a change of clothes for a variety of reasons.  This is an option for older grade levels as well.


    Vision & Hearing

    Grades Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, and 5th are screened annually in the first semester for vision and hearing. Any student in grades 2 and 4 who did not attend a Texas school previously may also be screened. If your child has been or will be screened during the school year, and you do not wish them to be screened at school, please contact the nurse. Parents may also request screening if they have concerns about their child’s vision or hearing. Parents will be contacted by the campus nurse if their child has failed the screening and a referral for a professional exam will be sent home.

    Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment (formerly called ANTES)

    Acanthosis nigricans is a skin condition that signals high insulin levels in the body. It is believed that higher than normal insulin levels in the bloodstream cause growth of darkened skin over parts of the body (neck, knuckles, elbows, knees, groin or stomach). These markings can help identify persons who run risk of developing diabetes in the future. The campus nurse will do a risk assessment screening of 3rd grade students, looking at the neck, during the second semester. Parents will be notified by phone and a written referral letter which recommends a physician’s evaluation.

Health Services

  • 24 Hour Rule

  • Immunization Requirements

  • Medication Administration

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