Our goal as the school counselors is to promote student achievement and well-being. There are multiple programs and services provided to help master this goal. These include:
PurposeFull People- This program is a character education program designed to help students develop character skills through meaningful and intentional activities and practices. Designed by veteran teachers, school counselors, play therapists, and many other incredible voices, PurposeFull People is packed with tons of practical and easy-to-use tools that focus on developing character and social-emotional skills in students, staff, and families. We will have a Character Kickoff on the first Wednesday of each month. We encourage children to wear the designated color that matches the trait for the month. Please be on the lookout in our newsletter for more information on the character trait for the month along with helpful information to practice the skills for that trait at home as well.
Individual and Group Counseling - Individual and Group Counseling sessions will be held based on teacher, parent, and/or student referrals. Sessions could include: friendship, social skills, coping skills, changing families, anxiety, etc.Bengal Buddies - Students selected by staff members from each homeroom act as student ambassadors for new students, providing school tours and easing new students into our wonderful school.*New students will also be provided a lunch bunch group to help with the transition as well.K.E.Y.S. Program (Keep Encouraging Youth toward Success) - Through this program, students meet with adult mentors. If you think your child would benefit from the program, please contact me.P.A.L.S. Program (Peer Assistants and Leadership) - PALS is a mentoring program in which students from Katy High School work one-on-one with students at our campus.Kindness Crew- Bryant's Kindness Crew includes a group of 3rd-5th graders that work to spread kindness through various activities such as: implementing a weekly kindness challenge, "High Five" Mondays, and different kindness initiatives and projects based on our campus needs.
Junior High Course Information- Counselor will meet with every child individually to ensure their junior high course plan is in place as they transition to junior high.CBE - Credit By Exam is available to students. Parents should meet with the counselor to discuss options and get the CBE Application.
As school counselors, we provide a support system for students, teachers, and parents. A counseling brochure that explains how we can support you. We can provide you with further information such as crisis contacts, tutors, and a community professional resource list for outside referrals. If you believe your child would benefit from visiting us, please contact us.
Students and parents also have access to the Speak Up app, which allows them to anonymously report concerns of safety. "SpeakUP is an anonymous reporting system that enables Katy ISD students, parents, and community members to anonymously submit safety and well-being tips to help prevent school-related incidents that could cause harm to
others." Click here for more information.