Complete Counselor Request Form

  • Please complete the Counselors Request Form to request communication with the school counselor, Ms. August, at Wolfe Elementary School. Please allow 1-2 business days to respond to your request. I look forward to connecting with you soon! If this is an emergency, please contact the correct authorities. 

    What is confidentiality?

    Confidentiality is keeping information discussed between the student and the school counselor (or the parent and the school counselor) private.

    Confidentiality is vital to the student-counselor relationship. Obviously, we cannot completely ensure confidentiality in an online setting, but we have to attempt to maintain it even when we meet virtually rather than face-to-face.

    What are some things parents can do to preserve confidentiality online?

    • - Allow the student to move the computer to a private space for the duration of the meeting. 
    • - Provide student with headphones and a microphone.
    • - Turn on white noise to keep others from being able to overhear. 

    Are there times when the school counselor will break confidentiality?

    Yes, there are certain instances when the school counselor is required to report confidential information, such as:

    • - When a student reports someone is hurting them
    • - When a student reports they are hurting someone else
    • - When a student reports they are hurting themselves
    • - With the student’s permission (often something that is uncomfortable for the student but useful for a parent or teacher to know)

    What is informed consent?

    Informed consent is the permission given to the school counselor to talk to a student with the understanding of the benefits and risks.