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Dropping a KAP Course:
If a student is wanting to drop out of a KAP course at any time, then the Petition to Exit KAP Form will need to be completed by the student and parent. The student must then complete the requirements stated for this petition prior to any approval or teacher signature taking place. Below is a picture of the correct form, but please scroll to the bottom of this page to download and print a copy if you need one. A printed copy can also be picked up in the Counseling Office.
HS Credit Guidelines:
The last day to request a drop from a HS Credit course is Wednesday, September 20, 2022. Students who earn a “F” at the end of the first or second grading period in a HS Credit course will be removed from the course. During the first semester, no course changes will be made after the second grading period. Students who earn a first semester failing grade will have the grade recorded on their transcript, and will be removed from the course for the second semester. Students will not be removed from the course during the second semester. Please refer to the timeline below.