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Spanish for Spanish Speakers (SpSpSp)
Katy ISD offers a course that is designed specifically to benefit students that speak Spanish at home so that they may continue to develop and further expand their language skills. This course is unique in that it allows the student to obtain 4 language credits in 2 years. Students can earn 2 credits for Spanish for Spanish Speakers (SpSpSp) I/II in one year, offered at the junior high level, and 2 credits for (SpSpSp) 3 KAP/AP Spanish Language in another year. Watch this video for further details about the Spanish for Spanish Speakers program.
Typically, students who are interested in taking this course will take a placement test in the fall of their 7th grade year. The purpose of this test is to identify students eligible to participate in the SpSpSp program, and does not award credit for any course.Families who have indicated Spanish as their home language during enrollment are identified as eligible to take the placement test for SPSPSP.
Contact Candra Maly at 281-234-3552 or with any questions.
Katy ISD District Learning Assessments (DLAs)
DLAs are common formative assessments designed to gather evidence of student learning. As part of a balanced program, DLAs are not intended to be the sole assessment instrument in determining student learning. Rather, they provide teachers and students with diagnostic information to help guide the learning process.
Additional information about the DLAs can be found in the District Learning Assessment FAQs (Links to an external site.) and in the District Learning Assessment Guidelines (Links to an external site.).For more specific information on DLA testing dates, please contact your student's teacher(s).
Credit By Exam (CBE) Information
Adams Junior High participates in the February and Summer Testing Windows for the CBE.
Summer 2024 the Testing Windows are: June 3-7, 2024 and July 8-11, 2024 (The exact date of the test will be communicated as the testing window gets closer. Parents and students are not able to choose their date in this testing window, so please make sure you are available all days in the testing window.)
Application Information:
1. Please complete BOTH the Application Form and the Google Form to register to take the CBE in Spring or Summer 2024.
2. Once the Application Form and the Google Form are complete, turn in the Application Form to the Counseling Office. We must have BOTH by the due date.
Registration Forms for the June Testing Window are due April 19, 2024
Registration Forms for the July Testing Window are due May 3, 2024
Please contact Erin Freeland, Student Support Counselor and CBE Facilitator, if you have any questions.
***Students applying to take the CBE for a core subject (Math, ELA, Science, or Social Studies) cannot choose individual core subjects to take the CBE in, except math. For example, a student may choose to apply to take a math CBE only, but is NOT able to choose ELA CBE only. So students are NOT able to take the CBE for ELA only, Science only, or Social Studies only. If a student wishes to apply to take the ELA, or Science, or Social Studies CBE, they MUST apply to take all core subjects, including math, essentially attempting to ”skip” a grade level. If a student wishes to apply to take all core subject CBEs, and attempt to skip a grade level, the student must score an 80% or higher on ALL four core subjects to skip the grade level. Please contact the CBE facilitator if you have questions.
Helpful Links:
Study Guides - UT Vendor (Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies)
Study Guides - AvantLinks to an external site. (Foreign Language)
Contact Information
Candra Maly
Testing Facilitator/Campus Testing Coordinator
CandraJMaly@katyisd.orgMaria Delamora
Student Support Counselor
CBE (Credit by Exam) Facilitator