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Important Reminders


Missing a day of school here and there may not seem like much, but absences add up!


Attendance Reminders:


  • Students are considered tardy if they are not in class when the 8:30 a.m. bell rings.
  • Students are counted absent if they are not in attendance at school by 9:55 a.m.
  • A parent or guardian should notify the school when a student is absent for any reason.
  • Students need to bring a doctor's note in order to have their absence excused for a healthcare appointment of any kind.
  • Students must be in attendance 90% of the school year or retention is considered by the Attendance Review Committee.



Check out this past week's attendance:

Wednesday - 97.17%

Thursday - 97.35%

Friday - 96.66%

Monday - 96.76%

Tuesday - 98.03%



Here are a few friendly reminders that we would like to share about the car rider line at arrival and dismissal times. Our school doors open at 8:10 a.m. and the tardy bell rings at 8:30 a.m. Students need to be seated in their homeroom classes by 8:30 a.m. Students arriving after 8:30 a.m. will receive a tardy slip from the front office. Please allow sufficient time so that your student can be ready and in place for school each day.


Dismissal for students begins at 3:40 p.m. Please make sure you are in the car rider line by that time. If you arrive after 3:55 p.m. when our staff members have finished taking down car tag numbers, you will need to park and come into the building with your ID to pick up your student(s). Late arrivals are documented and monitored.


Some helpful tips for creating a safe and smooth running environment during car rider arrival and dismissal:


  1. Please refrain from parking in front of the school and walking across the car rider line during arrival/dismissal to drop student(s) off at the front door or to pick them up from the front door. If you would like to walk to the front, you will need to come as a walker in the morning and/or park your car off campus and cross at the crosswalk.
  2. Please remain in your car at all times during arrival and dismissal. We have adults and eventually safety patrol students that are happy to assist your student(s) getting in and out of the car. Students should exit the door on the passenger side of the vehicle only.
  3. Please make sure you are remaining in the right lane the entire time. We should only have one lane of traffic flowing. The 2nd lane should not be utilized during arrival or dismissal. This lane is for emergency personnel only.
  4. Please keep your car rider tag displayed throughout the car rider line until you have your student(s) in your vehicle with you.
  5. Parents picking students up through the car rider line must enter the line at the END of the line, which forms on Gaston Road, north of Cinco Ranch Blvd.