
  • Screenings

    Grades Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, and 5th are screened annually in the first semester for vision and hearing.  Any student in grades 2 and 4 who did not attend a Texas school previously may also be screened.  If your child has been or will be screened during the school year, and you do not wish them to be screened at school, please contact the nurse.  Parents who have concerns about their child's vision or hearing may request a screening.  Parents will be contacted by the campus nurse if their child has not passed the screening and a referral for a professional exam will be sent home.

    Spinal screenings to screen for possible scoliosis will be conducted in the fall semester for fifth grade girls. Parents will be notified if a referral to a physician is needed.

    Change in Medical and Contact Information

    Please notify the nurse if your child develops new allergies or of medical changes that may arise throughout the school year. Please keep your contact information, phone numbers, and emergency contacts current.  Please feel free to contact the campus nurse with any concerns or questions. Thank you!

Health Services

  • 24 Hour Rule

  • Immunization Requirements

  • Medication Administration

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