Dyslexia Instruction

  • Texas Education Code updated requirement in §74.28 outlines that every parent in the district must be provided with information on: (1) characteristics of dyslexia and related disorders; (2) evaluation and identification of dyslexia and related disorders; (3) effective instructional strategies for teaching students with dyslexia and related disorders; (4) qualifications of and contact information for PDIs at each campus or school; (5) instructional accommodations and modifications; (6) the steps in the special education process, as described in the form developed by the Texas Education Agency to comply with TEC, § 29.0031(a)(1); and (7) how to request a copy and access the electronic version of the handbook referenced in subsection (c) of this section. The Department of Special Education has created a website with the above information for parents and educators to access located on katyisd.org. It will also be shared on the Katy ISD Weekly Digest Email and District Announcement page on Friday, October 4, 2024.

Dyslexia Staff Information