Parent Resources
Bilingual Information
The Bilingual program in Katy ISD is designed to prepare students to become bilingual and bi-literate in order to maximize their potential in a multicultural, diverse global society.
Bus Routes
Routes are now available.
Curriculum & Instruction
The Katy ISD Elementary Curriculum department has a great online resource for parents. Click this link to view the Canvas course:
Dyslexia Information
Students who have met the criteria for receiving services for dyslexia may complete specialized dyslexia lessons with Michelle Kasparek, Maritza Herrera or Sanjuanita Aldrete(bilingual).
Talking Book Service
Parents may receive information and apply for the Talking Book Service through the Texas State Library at this link: Talking Book Service.
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act is a federal law that ensures immediate enrollment and education stability for homeless children and young people. The term homeless children and youth means individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar reasons. Students who are homeless are not required to provide proof of residency before enrolling. Please contact Kristie Valdez - Title I Parent Support Specialist - 281-396-2612 for more information.
Nutrition and Food Services
For information regarding menus, food nutrients, meal prices, paying for meals, free and reduced meal applications, diet modifications and other useful topics, visit the Nutrition and Food Services website.
IDEAs That Work: Preparing Children and You with Disabilities for Success
The IDEAs That Work: Preparing Children and Youth with Disabilities for Success will connect teachers and families with resources to assist them in improving instruction and supporting academic, social, emotional, and behavioral needs of students with disabilities as they become college and career ready.Visit for details.
Challenge is KISD's Gifted and Talented Program
Challenge is the KISD Gifted and Talented Program. We use a "pull-out" model for our classes and meet one day a week. The class focuses on general intellectual ability using a theme-based advanced curriculum with high interest units using various technology sites and resources. At Rhoads and Franz, we also learn about our social/emotional needs and participate in Genius Hour.
Liz Harden, M.S. Educational Management
GT Facilitator & Challenge Teacher
Rhoads Elementary(M, T, W) & Franz Elementary(Th, F)