Title 1
Title I Programs Support the Katy ISD Mission
Katy Independent School District, a leader in educational excellence, together with the support of family and community members, provides unparalleled learning experiences designed to prepare and inspire each student to live an honorable, fulfilling life...to create the stepping stones into their future.
Cimarron Elementary is a school-wide Title I Campus
Title I, Part A is a federally-funded program designed to help all students meet the state's current challenging academic performance standards. School-wide Title I Programs provide supplemental funds that are used to improve the educational program of the entire school.
The Title I Program strives to ensure that every child is able to learn and perform at levels that meet or exceed the state academic standards.
The additional resources acquired through these funds allow us to provide additional staff and enhanced instructional programs for all students.
- Benefits of a school-wide Title I Program
- Instructional services such as intervention or tutoring
- Additional teachers to support instructional services
- Educational materials to improve instruction
- Professional development for teachers and support staff
- Parent involvement opportunities
Parent Participation
Parents are encouraged to:
- Provide input and offer feedback on the Title I program
- Participate in the development of Parent / School Compacts and Parent Involvement Policies
- Review information regarding the curriculum in use at the school
- Review the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress
- Participate in reviewing the proficiency levels that students are expected to meet in order to be academically successful
Other opportunities include:
- Parent workshops and parent-child interactive sessions are designed to help parents support their children's academic progress.
- Receive needed materials and resources to support learning at home
- Participation on campus and district committees
Notice of Parent Activities
Parents will receive invitations and reminders for all parent activities.
These invitations and advertisements are provided in a variety of ways, such as the Cimarron website, E-News, Classroom Newsletter available through Canvas, and flyers sent in the Thursday Take-Home Folder.
Parent Rights under NCLB (No Child Left Behind)
As the parent of a student at a Title I campus, such as Cimarron, you have the right to request the following information about each of your child's classroom teachers.
- Whether the teacher meets the state qualifications and licensing criteria for the grades and subjects he/she teaches.
- Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or provisional status because of special circumstances.
- The teacher's college major, whether the teacher has any advanced degrees, and the field of discipline of the certificate or degree.
- Whether paraprofessionals provide services to your child and, if so, their qualifications.
Title I campuses shall provide assistance to parents in understanding the state's academic content standards and academic achievement standards, state and local assessments, how to monitor a child's progress, and how to work with their children to improve student achievement.
Title I Parent Involvement Plan
Each school has a Title I Parent Involvement Plan which describes the school's plan for involving you and other parents in your child's education.
Parent Information Policy
The Title I Parent Information policy, which is sent home to each family, includes detailed information about Parent's Rights and the Title I program from the campus and district level.
Title I Parent / School Compact
Each school in Katy Independent School District provides a Title I Parent / School Compact. The Compact is an agreement between the school, parents, and students to support each child to meet grade-level expectations.
Research shows that when parents know what their children are doing in school and help support them at home, children will be more successful.