Dear Parents,
My name is Amanda Boteler and I am the campus nurse for RAE. Channell Jones, our clinic aide, and I are so happy to be here to care for our wonderful StingRAEs. If your child has a medical condition you would like me to be aware of, please email or give me a call. Please read through this information to help us ensure your child has a great year at Alexander Elementary.
Emergency Contacts
Please be sure that your student's emergency contacts and parent phone numbers are accurate and up to date. These are very important should I need to contact you. Emergency contacts should be local family or friends that you trust and can be available to pick your student up from school if a parent is not available. If your student is being sent home from the clinic, they will need to be picked up within 20 minutes once you are notified. Please also ensure that you come with your ID.
Health & Nutrition
Health and Nutrition go together. Always start with a healthy breakfast. Pack a snack and look at the lunch menu with your child for healthy lunch options. Remind your child that food, including snacks, are not to be shared at school. Please notify me of any food allergies.
Sleep is so important. Please be sure your child has a good night's sleep before coming to school.
If Your Child is Sick:
Please follow KISD for updates regarding COVID-19 and other illnesses. Information regarding 24 hr rule can be found at the end of this page.
Please inform the school if your child has been diagnosed with a contagious condition such as Covid-19, pink eye, strep throat, chicken pox, flu, or head lice.
If Your Child has a medical condition and/or requires Medication at School
Please contact me if your child has a medical condition or requires medication at school (short term or long term).
Children are NOT permitted to carry medication, including cough drops. ALL MEDICATION must be administered from the clinic.
Please notify the nurse if your child has any new allergies or other medical changes that arise during the school year. Please feel free to contact the campus nurse with any concerns or questions.
Parents are asked to schedule an appointment to bring the medication to the clinic and bring only the necessary amount for school. All medications must be in their original container with a current expiration date. Prescription medications must be in the original container with the child's name, medication, and dosing instructions.
For your convenience, medical forms can be obtained from the nurse/clinic or the Katy ISD website:
Regulations governing administration of medications during school hours must be strictly adhered to by school personnel. Any medication/treatment not FDA approved, will not be dispensed at school.
We encourage all students to have an extra set of clothing. Every student, even the older ones, should have a change of clothes (including socks and underwear) stored in their backpack. Spills and mishaps can happen anytime.
Please be sure your student is dressed properly for the weather and activities (ex. tennis shoes for PE) This prevents the parent from being called to the school for a change of clothes.
Texas state law and Katy ISD immunization requirements can be found at the end of this page.
It is a good habit to check your children regularly for lice. Watch for frequent scratching of the scalp, brown or white eggs (nits) on the hair shaft that may look like dandruff but are not easily brushed away, and live lice which are brown and move very quickly. Encourage your child not to share combs, brushes, hair decorations or hats. If you think someone in your family has head lice, it's best to check everyone in the family and notify friends or relatives who may have been in contact as well. Please contact the campus nurse with any questions, or if you have treated your child for head lice.
Katy ISD Health Services performs vision and hearing screening on students 4 years of age by September 1, as well as Kindergartners, 1 th, 3rd, 5th and 7 th graders. In addition, any students new to Katy ISD from out of state, out of country or who were not previously screened in a Texas School. Parents and teacher may also request screening if they have concerns about their student's vision or hearing.
Spinal Screening is required for all Female 5th and 7th graders and Male 8th graders.
Texas Risk Assessment for Type 2 Diabetes (TRAT2) is a screening performed in elementary (3rd grade) and Jr. High.
Parents will be contacted by the campus nurse if their child has failed the screening and a referral for a professional exam will be sent home. Any questions regarding these screenings should be directed to your campus nurse.
Let’s have a safe, happy and HEALTHY year at RAE!
Amanda Boteler, RN, BSN
Health Services
24 Hour Rule
Students who demonstrate signs and symptoms of illness or a possible communicable disease should be referred to the school clinic for further assessment. Those with an elevated temperature of 100 degrees or above or those who vomit or have diarrhea must be isolated and sent home. The student must be fever free without fever-reducing medication for 24 hours before he/she can be allowed back to school. Those excluded due to vomiting or diarrhea must also be free of symptoms without the use of preventative medications before being allowed back to school. (Administrative Regulation FFAD)
Immunization Requirements
Katy ISD follows the Texas Department of State Health Services recommendation for immunization compliance in order for a student to attend school. The law requires that all students be as up-to-date as medically feasible in order to attend classes. The immunization vaccine requirements for each grade level are listed on the Katy ISD website. Exemptions to the immunization requirements are allowable on an individual basis for medical contraindications, reasons of conscience-including religious belief, and active duty with the armed forces of the United States. For further information, visit the Texas Department of State Health Services.
Medication Administration
Short term ( 15 days or less) and long term (15 days or more) medications are sometimes prescribed for students to be given during the school day. In such cases, regulations governing administration of medication during school hours must be strictly adhered to by school personnel. Any natural and/or homeopathic products, not FDA approved, will not be dispensed by school personnel.
Contact Us
Amanda Boteler, Nurse
Phone: (281) 237-7125