New and Returning Student Online Registration, Information and FormsStudent Withdrawals
Please notify campus registrar at least 24 hours prior to student’s last day. The parent/guardian will need to show ID, complete and sign withdrawal papers and leaver document. Textbooks, library books and any outstanding fees must be returned/cleared before the student is withdrawn.Moving – Please provide a current utility bill (gas, light or water) dated within 30 days showing service address, name of bill holder and a copy of bill holders driver’s license if there is a change of address. If the bill is not in parent/guardian name, the Affidavit of Bona Fide Residency Forms are required along with utility bill and driver’s license. Visit Registration/Enrollment link for forms.
Updating Contact Information – Please submit these changes by visiting our front office or by emailing campus registrar. To assign a guardian, complete a Power of Attorney form. Visit Registration/Enrollment link above for appropriate forms.
Contact Us
Jackie Narvaez, Registrar/Counselors' Secretary
Phone: (281) 234-2765
Fax: (281) 644-1971