National Junior Honor Society is the only organization at West Memorial Junior High that has members based on their academic and behavioral achievements. In order to be a member of NJHS a student must maintain a 3.75 or higher cumulative G.P.A. for either their 7th grade or 8th grade year. A student must also have no U's or only 1 N in conduct for the year as well as other discipline standards. Our induction ceremony is a candlelit one that occurs a 7 pm during the 6th six weeks.
In order to maintain membership in NJHS a student must continue to have a cumulative G.P.A. of 3.75 or higher each six weeks as well as maintain the behavioral limits which are explained to the members after induction. If a member does not maintain a G.P.A. of 3.75 or higher, they will be placed on probation for a six weeks in order for that member to improve their grade. If a member has consecutive probations for a G.P.A. of less than 3.75, that member will be dismissed. A member can also be put on probation for receiving N in conduct. If the member makes another N in or conduct or they make a U at any time, that member will be dismissed.
Members are required to work service hours to maintain a membership in good standing. At WMJH we utilize those hours in committees that occur to the benefit of WMJH. Students must participate in committees which occur throughout the school year , as well as be a member in good standing both academically and behaviorally, in order to participate in our End of the Year treat. If a member does not participate in the Induction practices and the Induction Ceremony, they will not be allowed at the End of the Year treat.
Our NJHS meetings are announced in the school's announcements four days prior to the meeting. Meetings occur before school in the sponsor's room and usually start by 7:10. Agendas of the topics discussed are always provided as are opportunities to sign up for committees.