About Us
West Memorial Junior High, Katy’s second-oldest junior high, opened its doors in 1976. Academic success has prevailed throughout the years. Students are given opportunities to excel in all programs from academics to fine arts, athletics, and extracurricular activities.
Our student population is composed of diverse learners with differing needs. We offer a curriculum that is rigorous but flexible. Pre-Advanced Placement, Gifted and Talented, and regular academic classes are offered in the areas of Math/Algebra, Science, Language Arts, and History. Programs also available consist of English as a Second Language (ESL), Reading Elective, Special Education Resource, Math Lab, and Co-teaching. Electives include Speech/Theater Arts, Spanish, Art, Technology Systems, Home Economics, Band, Choir, Orchestra, and Yearbook. Athletics include football, volleyball, basketball, track, tennis, and soccer. Extracurricular activities include Student Council, National Junior Honor Society, cheerleading, pep squad, Destination Imagination, and others.
Our students are served by a dedicated staff which includes classroom teachers, coaches, paraprofessionals, an instructional technology facilitator, a diagnostician, a speech therapist, counselors, secretaries/clerks, and administrators. Parent volunteers also assist in providing our students with quality activities at WMJH.
Our students show their jaguar pride by J.A.G.S. R.O.A.R. -