• PurposeFull People
    PurposeFull People is a character education program that helps students build essential character and social-emotional skills through engaging, practical activities. Each month, we’ll focus on a specific character trait with a Character Kickoff each month. Students are encouraged to wear the designated color for the monthly trait. Look for more details and tips to practice these skills at home in our newsletter! 

    Individual and Group Counseling
    Counseling sessions are available for students based on teacher, parent, or student referrals. These sessions address topics such as friendship skills, social skills, managing emotions, coping with family changes, anxiety, and more.

    K.E.Y.S. Program (Keep Encouraging Youth toward Success)
    This program pairs students with adult mentors who meet regularly to build positive connections and provide guidance. If you feel your child could benefit from this program, please reach out to me.

    P.A.L.S. Program (Peer Assistants and Leadership)
    The PALS program connects Mayde Creek High School students with our elementary students for one-on-one mentoring. These high school mentors provide friendship, encouragement, and a positive role model for our students.

    Junior High Course Information
    The counselor will meet with each 5th-grade student individually to review and finalize their junior high course selections, ensuring they are prepared for a smooth transition to the next level.

    CBE (Credit By Exam)
    Students have the opportunity to accelerate their learning through Credit By Exam (CBE). Parents interested in this option should schedule a meeting with the counselor to discuss the process and obtain the application.

    We look forward to working together to support every Gator’s growth and success!