• Curriculum and Instruction
    The Katy ISD Elementary Curriculum department has a great online resource for parents. Click this link to view the Canvas course: https://katyisd.instructure.com/courses/84117


    Accessing Dreambox:  www.dreambox.com

    Students' login credentials for both programs follow the sequence below:
    Username: Katy ISD Student ID number (i.e. z1234567)*
    Password: First Initial + Katy ISD Student ID number (i.e. az1234567)* Passwords are case-sensitive.
    Students can also access Dreambox through their My Katy Cloud account. 

    Dreambox Home Access
    Texas SUCCESS provides state-funded access to interactive math and reading programs for Texas public school students. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has selected Dreambox Math as the Texas SUCCESS math provider. Thanks to Texas SUCCESS, students will now have free access to this program from home.

    Dreambox provides students with computer-adaptive instruction that adjusts to their unique skill level.  Texas SUCCESS programs are provided by the state as supplemental resources, and they are not intended to replace core instructional resources or existing intervention programs. Katy ISD will continue to provide teachers with a wealth of appropriate instructional resources to support instruction during the school day. As always, teachers and administrators will work collaboratively to ensure that students have access to the resources and instructional settings that best meet their needs.

    Parent Center 
    The Katy Independent School District takes great pleasure to inform you that it will provide educational services at various Parent Centers district-wide.  The Centers provide services for parents of limited English proficient students (English is not the primary language) and immigrant students who attend KISD.  We invite parents to participate in ESL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) adult classes.  For more information or to sign up, please click on the link on the right to download a form.