Title I Programs Support the Katy ISD Mission
Katy Independent School District, a leader in educational excellence, together with the support of family and community members, provides unparalleled learning experiences designed to prepare and inspire each student to live an honorable, fulfilling life...to create the stepping stones into their future.
Golbow Elementary is a school-wide Title I Campus
Title I, Part A is a federally-funded program designed to help all students meet the state's current challenging academic performance standards. School-wide Title I Programs provide supplemental funds that are used to improve the educational program of the entire school.
The Title I Program strives to ensure that every child is able to learn and perform at levels that meet or exceed the state academic standards.
The additional resources acquired through these funds allow us to provide additional staff and enhanced instructional programs for all students.
- Benefits of a school-wide Title I Program
- Instructional services such as intervention or tutoring
- Additional teachers to support instructional services
- Educational materials to improve instruction
- Professional development for teachers and support staff
- Parent involvement opportunities