

    Please send your child to school with a change of clothing in his/her backpack for emergencies. There are frequently drink mishaps in the cafeteria and changes are needed for bathroom accidents. If you would prefer for the extra clothing to be placed in the clinic, please send the clothing in a bag, labeled with your child's name.


    All grades except 2nd and 4th are screened for vision and hearing. If your child has a permanent disability (visual or auditory), please send paperwork from the doctor explaining the permanent disability. If your child fails either school screening, a request for a professional exam will be sent home with the student. Initial screenings have been done. Rescreens, if needed, will be done in December. If your student has glasses, please ensure they bring them to school daily. They will be screened with their glasses. If your child is new to Katy ISD, your child will have both a vision and hearing screen done, regardless of grade level.


    It's important for kids to have breakfast every day, but what they eat in the morning is crucial too. Choosing breakfast foods that are rich in whole grains, fiber, and protein while low in added sugar may boost kids' attention span, concentration, and memory — which they need to learn in school.
    Kids who eat breakfast are more likely to get fiber, calcium, and other important nutrients. They also tend to keep their weight under control, have lower blood cholesterol levels and fewer absences from school, and make fewer trips to the school nurse with stomach complaints related to hunger.

    Also, look at the lunch menu with your child and encourage healthy choices.  The menu can be found on the Katy ISD webpage.  Remind your child that food/snacks are not to be shared at school.  Doctor's letters are REQUIRED YEARLY for food and milk allergies.  Please notify the nurse prior to school if your child has food allergies, especially allergies to nuts.  Parents, please ensure that your child has a good night's sleep before coming to school.


    Please feel free to contact the school nurse with any concerns or questions. Please ensure that the campus nurse is updated with any changes to your child's medical information. Remember to ensure that the school has correct and updated phone numbers where you can be reached and that you have added emergency contacts to your child's enrollment card.

Health Services

  • 24 Hour Rule

  • Immunization Requirements

  • Medication Administration

Contact Us

  • Kimberly Pate, Nurse
    Phone: (281) 237-5375
    Fax: (281) 644-1525

    Janet Tzul, Nurse's Aide
    Phone: (281) 237-4304