• PTA is a volunteer-based, non-profit organization and a local chapter of the Texas PTA.

    ​PTA is composed of nearly 6 million volunteers in 23,000 local PTAs. These PTAs are provided with information, resources, and training to help them succeed. The Texas PTA has over 500,000 members and 2,700 Local PTAs.

    Faldyn Elementary PTA's primary objective is to support and encourage parents to get involved in their children’s education. We raise money that is used for improving the teaching and learning experience at our school.

    We have operating costs, including, but not limited to: fees for using the campus copiers, paper, laminating, and clerical supplies; maintaining a bank account; and web hosting fees so we can have an online presence for keeping our members informed.

    PTA members pay dues that include a small portion of state and national support. In return, local PTAs and members receive access to many valuable resources, information, and training programs.

Faldyn Elementary PTA Board