• Children Around the World


    • The Office of Other Languages cultivates a practice of providing equitable educational opportunities for the advancement of all English learners. Together with educators, parents and community members, the Office of Other Languages promotes an appreciation of the unique cultural and linguistic attributes English learners bring to enrich the learning environment. ​

    Program Goals

    • Goal 1: Affective - English learners are provided instruction using second language acquisition methods in English to introduce basic concepts of the school environment which instills confidence, self-assurance, and a positive identity with their cultural heritage. The program addresses the history and cultural heritage associated with both the students' home language and the United States.
      Goal 2: Linguistic – English learners are provided intensive instruction to develop proficiency in the comprehension, speaking, reading and composition of the English language. Instruction in academic content areas is structured to ensure that the students master the required essential knowledge and skills and higher order thinking skills.
      Goal 3: Cognitive  English learners are provided instruction in English across the content areas utilizing second language acquisition methods to ensure mastery of the grade level essential knowledge and skills and higher order thinking skills.

    Program Model

    • Katy ISD offers content-based ESL and ESL pull-out models​​​.  All Katy ISD ESL students will develop English proficiency through content-based instruction.  ESL is an integral part of content instruction.  ESL students are eligible to receive ESL accommodations to provide the support needed to comprehend the grade level content material while acquiring the English language.  ESL students may receive ESL instruction from:

      • A grade level ESL-certified classroom teacher (advanced/advanced high proficiency level students)
      • An ESL ISST (Instructional Support Specialty Teacher) who may provide instruction in the grade level classroom (intermediate proficiency level students)
      • An ESL ISST who may provide instruction through "pull-out" for 1st year recent immigrants who are non-English speaking (beginning proficiency level students)

      The ESL ISST and the grade level classroom teacher(s) collaborate to provide the best learning environment for English learners as English language proficiency develops his/her English language. 

  • Contact Us

    • Debra Villarreal, ESL Teacher

      Phone: (281) 234-5967

      Heidi Gillam, ESL Teacher

      Phone: (281) 234-5967

      Eva Alvarado Portillo, ESL Aide

      Phone: (281) 234-5967  

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