Parent Resources
Parent Canvas Page
Home Access Center
A newly upgraded HAC allows Katy ISD parents to access their student’s schedule, homeroom teacher, grades, assignments, test scores and absences. Parents can also update basic parent/guardian contact information. Visit the Home Access Center. The same username/password applies from year to year. If a username and/or password is needed, please contact your child’s campus.Pay N Go
A convenient way to add money to the cafeteria account of your student.ESL
The Katy ISD Elementary ESL program seeks to provide a quality content-based ESL program that differentiates instruction according to each student's level of language proficiency in order to scaffold instruction across all content areas while supporting the affective, linguistic and cognitive needs of each elementary ESL student.Gifted and Talented Program
Gifted and Talented service is offered to identified students in grade K-12. Students may be referred for screening for GT service during designated windows each school year. Parents and teachers may refer students for GT screening.Special Education
Special education is instruction that is specially designed to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability. The hallmark of special education is that it is individualized for student needs. Special education is provided at no cost to parents or students.Legacy Parent Academy
The Katy ISD Legacy Parent Academy is a series of informational sessions specifically designed to assist parents by providing valuable information that relates to topics that go beyond the academic experience.School and Parent Compact
The compact must outline how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the state's high standards. Click here to learn more.Parent Engagement Policy
Here at Winborn we love our community and are so thankful for the parents and community who participate and support our students. Click here to learn more.Title One
Please watch our Title One informational video for Diane Winborn Elementary!Campus Improvement Plan
At Winborn we strive to help our students and community grow. Click here to find out how we plan to work towards that.