Change of Transportation

Change of Transportation

If there is a change in a student’s normal dismissal procedures, a written note must be sent to the student’s teacher indicating this change. Do not email, leave a voice message or text the teacher to change dismissal procedures. Please indicate if this change of transportation is going to be a permanent or a temporary change.

Transportation changes should be infrequent and only out of necessity. Try to predict afternoon school day plans and inform your child(ren) in advance how he/she will go home that day. 

For safety purposes, all written transportation changes must be received by 2:00pm.  Transportation changes may be emailed to or faxed to 281-644-1925.  All emailed or faxed changes must have a copy of the parent’s driver’s license attached.  It is recommended that you call the office to make sure your fax has been received.  Phone calls, messages on a teacher’s voice mail or email are not acceptable ways to notify the school of a child’s transportation change.  Staff members cannot permit a student to change his/her mode of transportation without written notification from the parent/guardian.