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In accordance with regulation 40 CFR 763.93 and Katy ISD Board Policy CKA (LEGAL), notice of the district's pest and asbestos management plan must be posted for all staff, students and parents/guardians. If you are new to Katy ISD or would like to review the Asbestos Management Plan or Pest Management Plan, you can find them in the Environmental & Safety section of the Maintenance and Operations Website.DISTRICT PEST MANAGEMENT PLAN
The district is required to follow integrated pest management (IPM) procedures to control pests on school grounds. Although the district strives to use the safest and most effective methods to manage pests, including a variety of non-chemical control measures, pesticide use is sometimes necessary to maintain adequate pest control and ensure a safe, pest-free school environment.
All pesticides used are registered for their intended use by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and are applied only by certified pesticide applicators. Except in an emergency, signs will be posted 48 hours before indoor application. All outdoor applications will be posted at the time of treatment, and signs will remain until it is safe to enter the area. Parents who have further questions or who want to be notified prior to pesticide application inside their child’s school assignment area may contact the Director of Maintenance at 281-396-2519 or the Environmental Supervisor at 281-396-2533.
The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), signed into law in 1986, established the framework for a regulation which requires elementary and secondary schools to identify asbestos-containing materials in schools, institute programs aimed at minimizing the risk of exposure, and re-inspect those materials at least every three years. Katy ISD conducts biannual inspections of asbestos-containing materials and ensures compliance with the required three-year re-inspections.
The district is committed to providing a safe environment for workers, building occupants, students, parents, and legal guardians. An Asbestos Management Plan has been developed to address all Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) and Texas Asbestos Health Protection Act (TAHPA) requirements. A copy of the district’s Asbestos Management Plan is available at each campus for review. The plan contains information on friable and/or non-friable asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM). 40 CFR 763.93 and Katy ISD Board Policy CKA (LEGAL). If you have any questions, please contact the Assistant Director of Maintenance or the Environmental Department at 281-396-2514.