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1 TO 1 CHROMEBOOKS: Parents registering their students for the 2024-25 school year have the option to select the Class 1:1 Device Insurance Option. This option covers your student’s Chromebook device. All student fees, including the device insurance fee, will be sent to our Pay N’ Go system for payment on August 12th. You will be able to pay your insurance fee at that time.
Please note, this only applies to students in 3rd – 5th grades. For further information, please visit our Pay N’ Go website or for more detailed documentation, please view this Pay N’ Go Student Fee article. If you would like to change your device insurance selection from NO to YES, please email: changemyrequest@katyisd.org with your student’s Katy ID, name and campus and we will update your insurance option from NO to YES. Please note, you are only eligible to make this change and pay in full, 30-days after your student’s first day of attendance.