Parent Resources

Resource Links

  • Pay N' Go

    • No need for cash. Your Pay N ’Go account is a one-time setup that processes all campus activity payments and fees via credit card or e-check, hassle-free. Visit Pay N' Go for library book replacement fees, field trips, donations, birthday marquee greetings, clubs and much more.  ​

    School Supplies

    School Supplies List

    Bus Routes

    Edulog WebQuery​.​​

    Nutrition and Food Services

    Common Sense Media

    • Common Sense is the leading independent nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids thrive in a world of media and technology. Common Sense empowers parents, teachers, and policymakers by providing unbiased information, trusted advice, and innovative tools to help them harness the power of the media and technology as a positive force in all kids’ lives.

PMCE Activities

  • Get ready for an exciting school year with PMCE. Be sure to stay tuned to our weekly newsletter for further details on these annual activities and volunteer requests..


Arrival and Dismissal

  • Arrival and dismissal have been improving each day, but we wanted to provide a few safety reminders.

    • All students arriving by car should be dropped off using the car rider line. There is no student drop-off through the staff parking lot or visitor parking lot.
    • We have two lines moving through the drop-off and pick-up area. Pull into the shortest line when you arrive and stay there. Do not switch lines. Switching lines causes safety concerns and will delay the line at dismissal because students are brought out to a specific pickup point based on your place in line.
    • Have your car tag clearly visible for our staff to record your number. Wait for the traffic in front of you to move. Do not pull around cars unless directed to do so by a staff member.
    • On arrival, do not let students out of the vehicle until the line has been moved up and an adult instructs you to unload.